About Us
ZANDAFI is a word made up from the letters of Misha's children's names: Anna, David, Ezra, and Sofia. They were a major motivation for the creation of the company.
The Zandafi Approach
Individualized, customized exploration and assessment of philanthropic goals, imperatives and styles followed by development of specific plans, timelines and procedures or other deliverables for our clients.
Ongoing support, assumption of necessary and desired functions as an outsourcing resource and/or recruitment, training or supervision of appropriate personnel for the client's internal operations.
Evaluation and assessment of the effectiveness, impact and efficiency of existing operations of grant-making and grant-receiving entities.
- Staff and board skill development in the areas of leadership, governance, oversight, management, mission focus, fundraising and market sensitivity.
ZANDAFI is owned and directed by Misha Galperin, Ph.D.
Dr. Galperin, a clinical psychologist by training, has over thirty years experience in leadership, management, financial resource development, operations, marketing, consulting and oversight for and of non-profit organizations including Jewish Federations, social and mental health service agencies, community centers, educational institutions, foundations and individual philanthropists.
““Bringing people together through their organizational affiliations and then asking them to think beyond those institutions to serve the community in the best possible way is one of the most important challenges we face today in a world of too many Jewish nonprofits. That takes strong leadership. Are you prepared for it?”